Being smart and authentic. We love it.
Being smart and authentic. We love it.
The iPad is a great tool for presentations. Some of the advantages are obvious such as portability, the gorgeous screen, long battery life, media capabilities, etc. Others are less apparent, but their impact might be even deeper. The iPad truly…
One of the best presentations we have ever seen. Hans Rosling’s talk at TED is truly informative and extremely engaging. When Hans explores trends in health and economics, stats come to vivid life. Also the use of the extravagant pointer…
We increasingly see iPads being used to hold presentations. On conferences as well as one-to-one presentations the iPad has proven to be an ideal companion and an innovative tool to get your point across to your audience. Therefore, many businesses…
Sie wollen mit Ihrer persönlichen App auf das iPhone und das Ganze kostengünstig und effizient? Kein Problem! Wir können zu unschlagbaren Preisen entwickeln, da wir auf bestehende App-Baukästen aufsetzen. Warum soll man in Zeiten in denen iPhone Programmierer rar und…
Capturing customer feedback is a valuable but very tedious process Let’s be honest, not many people want to spend 30 minutes to fill out a three-page customer feedback form. Sparked by our work in the mobile applications field, we strongly…
Watch this inspiring talk of Carnegie Mellon University Professor, Jesse Schell, diving into a world of game development which will emerge from the popular “Facebook Games” era. In his talk he also touches upon many intersting areas relevant to mobile…
ZUHANDEN has published the IRR calculator for the iPhone. This application enables investment professionals to solve for one of the three key investment parameters in the finance industry, e.g.: Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Money multiple Investment holding period Simply…
Smartphones can increasingly be used to track significant parts of our life. Despite the privacy concerns among many users, there is a significant and growing community of people that use iPhones and other smartphones to keep track of their expenses,…
See interesting article with regards to the iPhone and Zuhandenheit on (in German only) Heidegger’s philosophy illustrated in Being and Time was fundametal in choosing the name of our firm.